Kristin and Scott Get Married!
Kristin and Scott got married in our backyard on October 10, 2020. Anna married them. Planning began last year for their wedding and they planned a celebration at Galleria Marchetti for 10/10/2020. Kristin planned well for that day - arranging the photography, a dj, flowers, and getting a dress. Changes had to be made after the pandemic scuttled her plans - along with the plans of a lot of other people gathering for various festivities in 2020. They decided they still wanted to get married this year and hold their celebration next year. So new plans got formed and our backyard was decided upon just a couple days before the 10th.
Our family was there, along with Scott's parents, Kristin's bridesmaids and Anna and Jim. The weather cooperated and we had a lovely afternoon. Anna was a wonderful officiant for the ceremony and it was a special occasion.