Another Weekend Away

Had a nice four day weekend trip to Minneapolis, MN in October.   Left on Friday morning and headed to northern Wisconsin - to check out some land owned by two Nystrand brothers - cousin of my Grandma Laurina Nystrand Swanson.  Found the graves of one brother and his wife in Ladysmith, Wisconsin - Fred Nystrand and his wife Inga.  Then we found the approximate site of the land they owned just south of Hawkins, Wisconsin.
Fred and Inga Nystrand's graves

Headed to Minneapolis after that - to our hotel for the weekend.  Checked in and headed to the closest restaurant (next door) for dinner.  Saturday we headed out to Fort Snelling - a fort built to protect against Indian attacks.  Very interesting visit - there were many costumed interpreters, a cannon shooting display and a musketry drill.  Learned that Dred Scott lived at Fort Snelling in the 1850s with his master, Dr. Emerson.  Also spoke with a woman from the Dakota tribe regarding Indian relocation in northern Minnesota.

 After Fort Snelling, we headed to the American Swedish Institute where we had lunch in their Swedish cafe, FIKA, and toured the museum which is housed in a 33 room mansion originally owned by the editor of the Swedish American newspaper, Swan and Christina Turnblad.

Found the Gustavus Adolphus Church where my father did his internship year in the early 50s.  Also drove by the State Capitol which was under repair and covered with scaffolding.  Good day all in all.
Sunday, we walked along the walkway around lower St. Anthony Falls.  The weather was sunny and in the 80s so a great day.  Drove back into Wisconsin in the St. Croix River area and along the Swedish corridor, the area Vilhelm Moberg wrote about in the Emigrant series.  Did some wine tasting, walked along the river and took lots of pictures, enjoying the fall colors.  Had a great dinner at a nice little restaurant, Swenson's Lakehouse, Center City, MN along the road headed back to Minneapolis.  Monday we headed for home - weather was about 30 degrees cooler and it was a very blustery day.  We drove on the Great River Trail in both Minnesota and Wisconsin, stopping to admire the river and the colors along the way.

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