Labor Day Weekend
Labor Day marks the end of summer. Since school started last week - the end of summer for me came last weekend. However, this Saturday we did take a summer day trip - to spend some time by the water. We drove to Winthrop Harbor and Illinois Beach State Park. Walked along Lake Michigan - took some pictures and watched the people headed for the beach. It wasn't as crowded as I thought it might be. It was definitely cooler feeling by the lake. Next we headed to Lake Geneva where we ate lunch at Popeye's where we could look at the water as we were eating. Walked along the lakefront there, checked out some other restaurants and then wandered back to the car. Sunday I went to church - where I ended up playing the piano for worship (one hand, one note). Kristin came in the afternoon to do laundry. Paul and I started our pursuit of re-furnishing our living room. We stopped at the carpet store and looked at colors and types...