A Very Short Weekend in Michigan
Joy and Dan bought a house in Michigan this year and spent most of the summer there. It is just north of Elk Rapids and sits on the beach of Grand Traverse Bay. It is an A-frame house with a great view of the bay. Paul and I drove there on Friday afternoon - traffic was very slow going in some places and it started raining so it took longer than it should have to get there. We did arrive about 8:30 - in time for supper with Joy, Dan, Mom and Anna. Saturday was a much nicer day and we had a chance to see what a great place Joy and Dan have. They have their own piece of beach to sit and watch the water, kayaks and a paddleboard to play in the water and a fire pit for the evenings. Paul and I decided to go to Old Mission Peninsula which we could see from Joy and Dan's place across the bay - but to get to it had to drive south along the bay and then north on the peninsula. Drove to the very end where there is a light house - stopped to look - noted that it is on the 45th parallel - walked down by the water. Did a little wine tasting after that - stopped at two wineries for tastings and bought a couple of bottles at one of them. Had lunch along the way. Back for a late afternoon of sitting on the beach and taking pictures of Joy using her paddleboard. Pizza for dinner, then tried to get some sunset pictures - not too bad - but it was a little cloudy. Anna built a fire in the fire pit for the evening and we sat and roasted marshmallows and ate s'mores. Looked at stars and watched the fireworks in the distance from Elk Rapids. Went to church on Sunday morning at Calvary Lutheran Church where Anna was the assisting minister. Left for home after that - bringing Mom home with us. Stopped for lunch along the way - ran into some traffic as we got closer to Chicago - tried to avoid some of it and got off the highway for awhile - not sure how successful we were. Stopped at Kristin's new apartment to pick up Tater and so that Mom had a chance to visit. Headed for home, the end of a nice weekend.