Vacation - another marker!

Paul and I flew out to Boston a couple of weeks ago, took the bus to Cape Cod and spent a week plus a few days with my mother - both on the Cape and at Chautauqua Institution on Lake Chautauqua, New York.  We drove with Mom to Chautauqua and stayed with her cousin, Miriam on the grounds of the institution.  The theme for the week was Immigration - and there were several very interesting speakers on the subject.  We also saw the opera, MacBeth, heard the Chautauqua symphony and listened to the lively music of Pink Martini.  It was a very interesting week.  Chautauqua is kind of like a gated community - it took a little getting used to having to show passes to get in and off the grounds.  Also, Miriam does not lock her condo, so leaving the door shut but not locked took a little getting used to.  Being a community with few cars though made it a wonderful place to walk and Paul and I did a lot of that.  Paul and I had the added bonus of having friends of ours from Oak Park, the Jurczaks, renting a house in Mayville for the week, so we visited their cabin, took the Chautauqua Belle cruise with them one afternoon, visited wineries another afternoon and joined them for dinner on their last night of vacation.  We joined a friend of my mom's on Thursday for lunch and on Friday we had lunch with my cousin, Nancy.  We had a fun week.

After our week at Chautauqua, we spent a couple of days at my mom's house.  Enjoyed going out for fish and chips along with just being away from home for a bit.

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