
Showing posts from December, 2013

The Wedding Weekend

Wedding weekend at last!  Mom and Carolyn arrived on Wednesday - Joy and Dan, Anna and Daniel arrived on Thursday afternoon - John and Lee, Ellen and Harry arrived Friday morning.  Good to have the whole family here.  Just as the rehearsal started on Thursday a big rain storm came through Oak Park - with a little microburst - trees down, thunder and lightning - rehearsal started a little late.  Dinner was at Skrine Chops in Forest Park - in their party room upstairs - turned out very nice, plenty to eat and all went well - there were probably 30 people there.  Everyone seemed to enjoy themselves.  I think we threw a pretty good party! The wedding was wonderful.  Many people said it was the most fun they had had at a wedding.  Sasha was a beautiful bride - John was a beaming groom.  The weather cooperated turn - we stood outside and greeted friends, and took pictures before the ceremony.  The ceremony was nice - and included two Mexican...


So, June was a great month!  John graduated from Tribeca Flashpoint on June 8th - ceremony was at the Harris Theater with a reception afterwards.  We were proud parents.  John and Sasha threw a graduation party at their home in the afternoon with lots of their friends and family there.  Good fun. Sasha received her masters from DePaul the next Saturday - the ceremony was held at the Rosemont Theater.  We went out for dim sum in Chinatown afterwards to celebrate.  We managed to celebrate Father's Day and my birthday as well. And then, there was the wedding!

Playing Catch Up

Somehow with the summer and the wedding in June and buying a house in July, going on vacation and moving - I haven't written in here like I meant to during the year.  Now I will have to play catch up.  Will have to start that tomorrow - so many things happening.  Wedding, house closing, vacation, moving, vacation, start of school, stuff going on, Thanksgiving, my brother John not doing well.  Will have to take a piece at a time and start writing.  So tomorrow we will start where we left off - in the month of June getting ready for a wedding.  At least I have pictures!