We have heat!

What a trying end of January.  There was a gas issue in our condo unit the last Sunday of January.  It turns out the pipe bringing gas to our unit had a hole in it larger than a quarter.  It was not a Nicor problem but our gas was turned off immediately.  So, no heat, no hot water, no cooking.  And it is winter and cold outside.  A week and a half later we again have heat, hot water and gas for cooking.  Somehow, there was no sense of urgency to get our gas problem fixed, it seemed.  Three bids were required by the condo association which were gotten in a couple of days - but then it seemed to take a couple more days before they decided which contractor to hire to fix the issue.  Then it was a few more days before the contractor could get started, a part needed to be ordered and the problem was finally fixed after 9 days.  We are thankful for our friends who put us up for many nights and to those who lent us space heaters.  Of course there were then issues with leaky pipes which also had to be fixed.  Life is finally back to normal though, I believe - or at least as normal as can be.

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