
Showing posts from November, 2012


Thanksgiving has come and gone.  Paul and I began our holiday on Wednesday with breakfast at a nearby diner and in the afternoon we saw the new James Bond movie Skyfall .  Great scenery and great movie.  On Thursday, we all - Paul and I, John and Sasha, Kristin and Jason - traveled to Rock Island and had Thanksgiving dinner with Paul's brother and family, and his mom.  Weather was good, food was good, company was good.   Both Logan and Jacob have girlfriends, so we were a nice size group. The kids stayed overnight and came home on Friday - Paul and I stayed until Saturday.  Before they left, we all enjoyed breakfast together.  We did a little shopping in the afternoon.  We came home by way of Bishop Hill, a place we used to go to the day after Thanksgiving for many years when the kids were growing up but haven't been for awhile.  The first time both of us went to Bishop Hill was when we were in college and there wasn't much there excep...